Licenţă BitDefender pentru un an!!!!

Pe FaceBook s-a încheiat concursul desfăşurat în limba engleză „What would you do if any of your valuable digital properties got hacked?”, mai pe româneşte spus: ce ai face dacă oricare din proprietăţile tale digitale valoroase ar fi hack-uite? Cerinţele principale au fost UMORUL şi ORIGINALITATEA.

Ups. Sunt unul dintre câştigători.

Raspunsul meu a fost următorul:

What would I do if any of my valuable digital properties got hacked?
I would announce the following in every digital media: “Facebook account has been kidnapped. Has a bit over 3 years, very sociable (likeable), responds to name “Peter’s account” and at this very moment might be under bad influence. Although he has no economical value, he is my precious…. If you are the hacker, I sadly announce you that Peter is very sick (bugs, cracks, useless applications etc) and needs urgent expensive treatment.”
And in the real world: I would swear, then I would announce by any way (telephone, e-mail, friend’s e-mail/phone, etc) the provider about this theft and replace the values of the account (if possible). Mandatory: I would install an antivirus program.”

BitDefender au oferit şi titlul de Funniest Story pentru Shrey Sanwaria:

„bitdefender is the best defender for all is the greatest online guardian which gives multi layerd security.MY COMPUTER IS LIKE A BABY…..WITH ONLINE THREATS CONSTANTLY ATTACKING THE BABY……and bitdefender is like a mother…nurturing and protecting the baby{computer} from all threats…. if hackers attack my baby{computer}….den bitdefender in the form of a mother will stop all the hackers………pls bitdefender… the mother of my baby{computer}…..”.

Foarte inspirat răspunsul, o analogie foarte puternică şi emoţională (am şi eu copil şi soră mai mică).

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